The Ultimate Guide Of SEO Strategies for Real Estate Business

By on February 4th, 2021

5min Read

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More than half of potential home buyers search for realtor services online. This is what has made the real estate industry to be more competitive. Nearly every real estate business now wants to rank higher,  generate more leads and experience better conversion rates. However, to accomplish these goals, you have to work with a Real estate SEO agency in Sydney. 

There’s a lot for your real estate business to gain from quality SEO services, in addition to the benefits we have mentioned. You only have to make sure that you are working with the best and most experienced SEO company. 

In this guide, we let you in on real estate SEO techniques you can utilise in your business to meet your desired goals. Also, we show you how hiring an SEO agency can help you get better results. Read on to learn. 

Local SEO

Who wouldn’t want to dominate the local search results? For a real estate business, this should be a priority. Local SEO services in Australia gives you the chance to do so. They help you gain more visibility on local search results. 

As you go about this, do not just focus on promoting sales. Share valuable information as well. Some users haven’t worked out a buying plan yet; they are rather interested in the location, property types and sales offers. 

Therefore, it is important to list your properties and optimise them in accordance with SEO guidelines. Speak to an SEO company in Australia for more real estate SEO tips and ideas on how to make the most of local SEO.

On-page Seo & Why You Should An SEO Agency Sydney To Do It

On-page SEO comprises features that you can directly control and adjust on your site. These include your website content, metadata, links and real estate SEO keywords. Just like with other techniques, you will also need to work with an seo agency in Sydney in order to do this right. Let’s have a look at a couple of techniques that fall under this:

Keyword research

Keeping track of consumer intent is a highly effective way of staying ahead of the competition. This is where keyword research comes in. You need to search for the correct real estate SEO keywords. 

Also note that how you use them will largely determine who lands on your site when searched. Tailoring your website’s information and location to popular real estate SEO keywords increases your search rankings.

Please note that high volume search words attract a lot of competition. They will often be chosen by top real estate firms. Unfortunately, they tend to have less conversion rates. 

Long tail keyword phrases, on the other hand, not only act as a source for creating content and ideas but also carry high conversion rates. This is because long tail keyword phrases are more specific and feature high consumer intent.

Other real estate SEO tips for proper on-page optimisation include: 

  • Create unique and relevant content
  • Use proper H-tags (H1,H2.H3 & H4). 
  • Use short descriptive URLs with relevant real estate SEO keywords
  • Include unique and relevant meta descriptions for every post and page
  • Use appropriate alt tags for images 
  • Come up with catchy titles that include keywords and are less than 60 characters 

Off-page SEO & Why You Should An SEO Agency Sydney To Do It

Off-page SEO complements on-page SEO. It helps you increase your domain authority and strengthen your online presence. For the best results, consider working with the best SEO agency in Sydney. Off-page SEO comprises several techniques that contribute towards achievement of the primary goal. Some of them include: 

Link Building

This basically involves getting backlinks from authority websites. Link building plays a huge role in boosting the credibility of your website, which is a factor Google uses to rank websites. Please note that this is a time-consuming  and delicate process that you may not be able to successfully accomplish alone. Hire an SEO company in Australia to help you. 

Optimise Your Google My Business Profile

As a local realtor, it is essential to have a Google My Business Profile that is fully optimised. Anyone who’s interested in looking for a realtor will most likely begin their search on Google. 

With an optimised GMB profile, they will see your location, customer reviews, directions, website, operating hours, plus other vital info that will endear them to try your services. 

There’s a lot you do with your GMB profile to boost the performance of your real estate business. Consider consulting an SEO agency in Sydney for ideas. 


It is unfortunate that many real estate businesses do not have accurate and consistent contact information. Important details like the company name, address, telephone number and website address reflect authenticity. 

Accurate NAPs help Google correctly validate data, consequently increasing your ranking on search engine results. 


Online users and potential home buyers will often show interest in a site with positive reviews. Online reviews increase the level of trust and build your credibility.  Good reviews can be crucial in building your local SEO rankings. Therefore, you have every reason to work with an SEO company in Australia that can help you manage customer feedback on all your online platforms, including Google, 

SEO Content Marketing

For real estate SEO to fully pay off, you will need to generate content that adds value to your clients and at the same time rivals competing real estate businesses. 

People looking to buy a property want to be compelled to do so via pictures, videos and text. Your content should therefore be engaging enough to attract and convert prospects into buyers. You can always outsource this to an SEO agency in Sydney if you need help doing it right. 

Is that all about real estate SEO? Definitely no. This is only part of it. To get more real estate SEO tips and experience the benefits of using quality SEO services in Australia, make sure to choose the right SEO agency in Sydney. At Digital Hub Australia, this is part of what we do exceptionally well. Talk to us today for more information. 

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