How To Use Social Media To Hype A Product Pre Launch

By on February 11th, 2021

5min Read

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Doing a new product launch on social media can be scary and thrilling at the same time. Way back before digital marketing services, this was a hit-and-miss affair. Entrepreneurs didn’t have an effective method of creating hype pre-launch. But the advent of digital marketing services has made this a thing of the past.

Today, a product launch on social media would work wonders for your conversion rates. Think about it. Millions of people interact with brands they follow on different social media networks. Even better, platforms like Facebook have tools you can use to plan out your pre-launch campaign.

In short, social media platforms are the perfect vehicle for generating buzz around your product. You can propel your product to success by leveraging the popularity of social media networks.

Would you like to find out more? Well, stick around. By the end of this article, you will know how to effectively manage your new product launch on social media.

Define Goals For Your New Product Launch On Social Media

In our experience, a product launch with unclear goals is a recipe for disaster. Always ask yourself: What is the goal of my pre-launch social media campaign? 

The answer to this question will help you define your version of success. 

Let’s say you are about to launch a new line of body wash soap. Let me guess, your main goal is boosting sales revenue. But, there is so much more you could do with your new product launch on social media. For example, your pre-launch campaign can be aimed at generating brand awareness. And there’s more. Pre-launch campaigns can also be used to funnel foot traffic to your store.

You can see where we are going with this, right? Defining your launch goals early on is in the best interest of your campaign. Especially when planning out a web launch strategy.

Research Your Audience

If you ask me, there is no such thing as too much market research. Be open to walking in your customer’s shoes to find out what kind of content they like. This is actually the best way to launch a website.

Ads are everywhere nowadays to the point that people have become oblivious of them. Your pre-launch content should therefore captivate your audience. Otherwise, your product won’t have any hope of succeeding at launch.

Opting for a new product launch on social media is the right move. Not only are there millions of people using social media platforms but there also is a chance that your content could go viral. However, you will need to partner with a social media management agency. Your in-house team may not have all the resources required to do exhaustive customer research.

Use Stories In Your New Product launch on Social Media

Marketing experts are compelling storytellers. It’s a requirement for the job. Spinning tales is the oldest marketing skill. Without powerful stories, your product launch is dead before it begins. 

No one likes dull social media announcement posts, walls of text or boring videos. if you can’t capture your customer’s imagination, you will lose them for good. Always remember this even coming up with your eCommerce product launch strategy. 

Good stories make compelling content. This in turn generates major buzz before your product even ships out. What’s more, your customers will share content they like with their friends and family. As a result,  your content could go viral, ensuring the success of your product. 

If you aren’t a natural storyteller, we have got you covered. Consult social marketing experts at Digital Hub Australia. They will know how to create compelling narratives for your pre-launch campaigns.

Hashtags Are Your Best Friend

You are missing out if hashtags are not part of your social media pre-launch strategy. Hashtags are a powerful marketing tool. It’s also the worst kept secret in social marketing so you should do it right for the best results. Your new product launch on social media will actually struggle unless you properly use hashtags.

Hashtags get members of your audience engaging with your product before it launches. Think about it. People will use unique hashtags when discussing your product. In the process, people who know nothing about your brand will develop an interest.

On top of that, your hashtags can end up on the trending section. This will do magic for your product and brand awareness in general. That aside, just in case you are wondering how to promote a new product on Facebook, hashtags could be useful here as well. 

Give A Glimpse Behind The Curtain

Show your customers the inner workings of your company. Trust me, you won’t regret it. A behind-the-scenes tour, for example, humanises your brand. Customers will view you as a friendly neighbourhood brand instead of a faceless corporation. Yet that isn’t even the best part. 

Giving sneak-peaks of your product pre-launch increases your chances of success. Let me explain.

Your product will be up against stiff competition from established brands. Sneak-peaks are a way of generating hype by showing customers its unique qualities. Let’s say you plan on launching a line of beauty products. Now, this is a saturated market. But, a detailed sneak-peak of your production process could make a difference.

For example, you can show customers how you only source natural ingredients. This alone might set you apart from your competitors.

Use Video Content

Video is king. There is no doubt about that. You, therefore, have to prioritise video content for your new product launch on social media. It also doubles up as one of the best new website announcement ideas. 

You can better showcase your product or website using video. Telling unique stories is actually much easier with video. 

What’s more, videos have a lot of appeals. Which means your customers will keep rewatching long after you launch.

ConclusionSo there you have it. An in-depth look at how you can better manage your new product launch on social media. With these tips, you can hype your product up pre-launch. And the effect will be a boost in your sales projections and increased product awareness. Remember to partner with a digital marketing agency in Sydney if you want to tip the odds in your favour. At Digital Hub Australia, we have the resources to give your pre-launch campaign a second wind. Get in touch with us for more information on that and to learn more about the importance of product launch.

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