30 Must-have Features For A Small Business Website

By on February 25th, 2021

5min Read

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In today’s digital economy, a website can make or break your business. This is why it’s important to learn about and implement top website features for small businesses.  Your small business website represents you in the online space. You, therefore, need to invest as much in it as the business itself. Today we let you on 30 must-have features that should never be lacking in your small business website.

Must-Have Features For A Small Business Website

1. A Strong Domain Name

Domain names are one of the most overlooked website features for small businesses. They are simple yet so powerful marketing tools. In addition to increasing traffic, a strong domain name will easily be remembered by customers thus raising your sales. It is an essential part of your brand and one of the most important building blocks of your website. 

2. Logo

As mentioned earlier, your website represents you online. Having your logo on it communicates ownership. Visitors should be able to easily tell who you are and what you offer by looking at your logo. An appealing logo will help customers identify visually with your business. This will do wonders for brand loyalty. 

3. Tagline

A tagline is a brief description usually displayed on the top part of your home page. It highlights what your business is offering and the ideals you stand for. A great tagline can have a lasting effect on your subscribers. It is one of the few website features for small businesses that play a  huge role in improving your conversion rates.

4. A call-to-action  

It is important to show your customers where to go once they access your website. Let’s say a customer lands on your home page, for instance. How should they proceed? Is the goal to direct them further along your marketing funnel? Do you want them to buy your products or access a service? Or do you want to grow a mail list? The possibilities are endless. A Call To Action (CTA) shows your customers what you want from them.  

5. Email Newsletter Subscription

An email sign-in option is one of the most effective website features for small businesses. Customers can subscribe to your newsletters and get updates on products and services. What’s more, you get to foster strong personal relationships with your customers.  

6. Include Your Contact Number  

No list comprising website features for small businesses will ever miss ‘contact details’.  They are a must-have feature in creating great business websites. Without them, you will not earn the trust of your visitors. No one will risk doing business with you when your credibility is in question.

7. What Are Your Business Hours

Are you a business that runs 24/7? Do you offer your services at certain times? Be sure to include your working hours on your local business website. Your customers should know when you’re available.  Remember to include your location as well. 

8. A Contact Page

How the contact page is set up could make or break your site.  It is among the website features for small businesses you should use professional help to set up. Customers will always want more details and have inquiries concerning your product or services. A contact page ensures they can get in touch with you at all times.  

9. Map Your Business’s Location

Where is your business located? Enlisting your business with Google Maps tells customers where they can find you.  This is especially important for a small business since you are still in the process of creating awareness about your brand.

10. Social Media channel links

Social media is now a must-have for every business. So, include social media links that take users to your social profile. Social media marketing is as influential as website advertising. Having your business portfolio on social media is a sure way to attract users.  

11. Testimonials and Reviews

Customer testimonials and good reviews help to reinforce your brand image. Users who read through the positive comments will see your website as a trusted source. This is essential in attracting potential customers to your business.  

12.  Customer Incentives

I may see a ‘shop’ or ‘buy’ tab on your website’s homepage. This is effective enough for me to decide whether to buy or not. But a sales discount tag on the product offers a more attractive option. Use incentives to appeal to your customers.  

13. A Well Written Body Copy

This is one of the key features of a website. Quality web content is important in engaging users and breathing life to your site. It also sells your business ideas and strengthens your online presence. If you’re not proficient in writing, it’s best to hire a web development service provider.  

14. Quality Search Phrases

SEO plays a big part in generating leads and directing user traffic to your website. It’s one of the most powerful website features for small businesses. If you’re a local business, make use of local SEO by including local listings. A web design services provider will help you generate effective keywords. 

15. Optimizing Your Website For Mobile

This will definitely affect how many people can access your website. Today, a good number of web users prefer browsing using smartphones. It would be a smart move to make sure your website works flawlessly across mobile devices.  

16. Include A Website Address  

Your website address is the bridge that links you and your customers. A long address can be difficult to remember or type. Use a short, simple website address that’s clear and effective.

17. A Site Map

Sitemaps take a lot to work to build but are worth it. They remain one of the most valuable website features for small businesses.  A site map connects all the pages and access areas of your website. This neat arrangement makes it easier for users to access your website in one place. It also makes it easy for search engines like Google to validate your data.  

18. Blog Posts

Blogs count among the key features of a website. They are a great way to frequently update your website’s information. You could hire professional copywriters to do it for you. Blogs can also boost your SEO rankings. Make sure you are using the right keywords. This will in turn improve your discoverability and search engine position. 

19. Web Hosting

It may be tempting to run a website without hosting of your own but this will see you miss out on a lot. A hosting provider stores your data does frequent back-ups and performs routine maintenance. It is recommended that you work with a web host that’s closer to your business. This improves your website’s speed, performance and ensures proper support in times of emergencies.  

20. Include A Search Bar

A search bar is also one of the most overlooked website features for small businesses. If your website has many pages, make sure to install a search bar. This helps users find information across your website without any difficulty.  

21. Cookies

Have you ever clicked on a web page and it immediately asks you if you accept their cookie policy? Cookies are a website’s way of saving valuable data, like user information. As a business investing online, your website must have a cookie policy.  

22. An SSL Certificate

Any online transaction involves the exchange of personal information. Your website needs to be a safe place for your customers and users to give out their details. By installing SSL on your website, you ensure your data is secure from online theft.  

23. Google Analytics  

You’ve successfully launched your website. You now need a way to measure your performance and progress. Discuss with your web development service provider on the best analytics tools to use. You can keep track of and monitor user traffic on your website.  

24. Include A Feedback System

This is one of the most important website features for small businesses. You need to have a system in place that helps you receive and track customer feedback.  Without feedback, you will have a tough time making improvements that satisfy website users.  

25. External Links

Links are very useful in building your online presence. However, creating quality links can be an extensive process and needs resources. A web design services provider can help you out with this. Links direct your users to other sites where they can access more information. For a small business, it’s an excellent way of building your brand image.  

26. Hyperlinks

It’s always a disappointment for me when I load a page and see an error message(Page not found). You don’t want your customers to experience this feeling. It has a negative impact on your website’s performance. Make sure your web development service provider makes frequent checks for any broken hyperlinks.  

27. Fast Loading Speeds

Page speed is one of the key features of a website. No one wants to click on a web page that takes a long time to load.  Ensure your website has high loading speeds by keeping it neat and simple.  

28. Effective Content Management

Popular content management systems like WordPress can help you handle your content updates. This is a great time saver and will make it easy for you to manage your website content. It is among the website features for small businesses that you should have an expert help you set up correctly. 

29. Quality Visuals

It is true that a photo is worth 1000 words. This is true in digital marketing as well. While well-written content is important, visual content is just as effective. Ensure your local business website has high-quality images and videos. This adds to the professional appeal of your product or service.  

30. Secondary Back-up Options

Your site can go down at an unexpected moment. Here’s something to ponder about. What if the current back-up plan with your web host malfunctions? As a business, you should have a secondary storage location for your website’s data. 

Such a long list of options, right? Yet these are not all the features you should consider in coming up with great small business websites. To find out more website features for small businesses, speak to a web development service provider. You could also use their help in implementing these features on your local business website.  

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