Competitor Keyword Analysis: How Can Improve Your SEO

By on December 22nd, 2020

5min Read

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Let’s face it, none of us would pass up a chance to fuel their SEO success, right? Think of your conversion rates, click-through rates, brand positioning, website traffic, and overall SEO performance. Wouldn’t it be great if all of these aspects were at their peak? 

That’s where SEO services in Sydney come in. The goal of this service is to maximize your SEO performance through techniques such as competitor keyword analysis. Our SEO experts at Digital Hub Australia will even go the extra mile and try out different other techniques to optimize your SEO campaign.

In this article, we show you how analyzing the keywords of your competitors can turn your SEO campaign around.

Target The Right Audience

This point might seem pretty weak. After all, there is no way a business will survive without first figuring out its customer base, right?

However, a common observation we have made is that most business owners only have a surface level understanding of their customer base. Less effort is put into audience analysis which makes many of us lose out on potential targets.

One way to fix this is by making use of SEO services in Sydney. An SEO company will help you reach and identify your target audience and even understand their motivations. A competitor keyword analysis is how many do it. This process will help you find out the specific customers your competitors are targeting and how they are doing it. 

For example, let’s say you sell shoes and probably plan to expand your merchandise to include other items of clothing. Performing a competitor keyword analysis will make it possible for you to find out the kind of audience your competitors are targeting and how they are driving up their conversion rates using SEO content.

Give Your Campaign A Direction

SEO is a long term project and you risk having your campaign go off the rails if you approach it without a well thought out plan. Incorporating SEO competitor analysis into your marketing strategy is one way to address this. 

Look for competitors who have been operational for a long period of time and have carried out successful SEO campaigns. Analyse the keywords they are using and compare the results with what you have in your SEO campaign. 

Fill in the gaps and make adjustments that will elevate your SEO performance to match or exceed that of your competitors. 

Learning from the successes of your competitors is more effective than repeating the same mistakes over and over again. After all, there is no point of reinventing the wheel when it comes to SEO.

Get Better Topics

SEO is a continuous process. There are no off days; you have to keep tweaking your strategy, especially if you are after constant and predictable SEO results. 

What does this have to do with competitor keyword analysis? 

We all know that creating catchy content regularly is not easy. In fact, it is one of the major SEO hurdles, which gets tougher when you are working alone.

You might be tempted to create content on the same topics as your competitors. But the major downside of this is that your content will come across as derivative. 

Analysing the keywords your competitors are using will give you a deeper understanding of their SEO strategy. Instead of copying their topics, you will have a better idea of what subjects to pick for your SEO content.

Save on Time

Please note that your SEO campaign won’t bring in results overnight. Even with an experienced agency like Digital Hub Australia working on your project, it will take months before you can get substantial returns on your investment. 

In our experience, your SEO campaign will take even longer to take off without competitor keyword analysis. Think about it. Wouldn’t you save a lot of time if you knew the mistakes to avoid in your keyword research beforehand? 

This is exactly what keyword analysis of a website gets you. You will create content that works for your brand right of the bat instead of wasting precious time with a trial and error approach.

There you have it. These are some of the ways that SEO competitor analysis will improve your online campaigns and help you outrank your rivals. To sum it up, analysing the keywords that your competition is using opens up a lot of possibilities for your SEO campaign. You can leverage the full potential of this technique by making use of SEO Services.

Our SEO experts at Digital Hub Australia are just a call away and ready to help you do this right. 

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